ONE OF THE GEMS that was lost when we updated the format of this website was my rant about this topic: “IF you hafta ask your wife… you ain’t gettin’ it.”  One of the things that earned my wife ‘keeper’ status was when I ran my potential purchase of a retired race car/ pro-street Camaro.  She simply said that it was my business, and that I knew what I was doing. HELL YEAH!

THROUGH the years I have ran across a few potential buyers whose testicles were carried in their wife’s purse. Hey, whatever works for you. Happy wife- happy life.  Besides, after a few decades things don’t work quite like they used to anyway. Just try to talk a menopausal woman into a ‘quickie’.  Another saying I live by is: “If you don’t want to dig yourself into a hole- quit shoveling.

AT this time of year things are a little slow- in spite of the fact it was overcast when they dug out the groundhog.  I am thinking that there will be a pent-up demand for things that make you think spring.  That is why I make this offer:  FREE STORAGE ON ALL PROJECT CARS and TRUCKS SOLD UNTIL SPRING, OR WHENEVER YOUR WIFE GETS OVER IT!  *** Limitations apply, like HELL FREEZING OVER.



Written by chromenrus826675

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